Narcissus, Daffodil Flowers

I just happened to know that Narcissus or Daffodil as it is called in English belongs to the family of Amaryllis. It is very interesting that little by little I slowly learn more about plants and flowers especially its name. Here are the Narcissus I took as we happened to pass-by a parking lot near a train station. We got yellow ones in our garden but can’t find the pictures now. Lovely flowers indeed!

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Monocots
Order: Asparagales
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Tribe: Narcisseae
Genus: Narcissus

Narcissus (pronounced /nɑrˈsɪsəs/) is the botanic name for a genus of mainly hardy, mostly spring-flowering, bulbs in the Amaryllis family native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia. There are also several Narcissus species that bloom in the autumn. Though Hortus Third cites 26 wild species, Daffodils for North American Gardens cites between 50 and 100 including species variants and wild hybrids. Through taxonomic and genetic research, it is speculated that over time this number will probably continue to be refined. Daffodil is a common English name, sometimes used now for all varieties, and is the chief common name of horticultural prevalence used by the American Daffodil Society. The range of forms in cultivation has been heavily modified and extended, with new variations available from specialists almost every year. more here

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