What to Expect From Your Weathervane

Historically, a weathervane was used with one primary objective in mind, namely, to know the direction from which the wind blew. This was particularly important for the farmers, fishermen, sailors, and people in the navy and army.  The list included all those people whose daily lives and activities were largely influenced by the wind direction. Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, farmers counted upon their first-hand experience and local knowledge to understand what wind conditions could mean and what their implications could be.

With the development of modern technologies these systems were pushed into oblivion. Newer and more reliable techniques were used to determine the wind direction, but weathervanes remained. Although it had fallen from its more important role of being the only source of knowing about wind direction, it nevertheless continued as a decorative element. Although this new role and status was apparently less significant, yet it was important enough to help it continue with its existence even today.

Many houses flaunt weathervanes on their roof-tops as a mark of their own unique personality. The evolution of weathervanes design has greatly helped this factor. In the ancient times, a weathervane mostly meant a pointer that could freely rotate on the top of a fixed vertical rod. The purpose was totally to make it functional and no one bothered much about its looks. However, nowadays when everyone is more conscious about the appearance aspect of weathervanes, various styles have evolved to meet the demand.

It is not very uncommon now to find weathervanes that are mounted with many interesting structures and shapes. These include a cat and bell, the all-time favourite rooster, trotting horses, fairy, fish, owl, and pheasant. The more evolved ones even showcase such complex figures as a man with his dog, the Welsh dragon, St. George and dragon, and others!

Even the simple arrow weathervanes of the older times are now available with modern overtones and bear many intricate designs. You can even find weathervanes with stylised metal banners, silhouettes, and patriotic symbols.

When choosing a weathervane for your house or garden, you are surely going to be overwhelmed with the sheer variety that is available. From simple designs to elaborate ornamentations, when it comes to weathervanes you get them all!

If you are inspired enough to try a new weathervane for your house or garden, check out the awesome collection at the online shop Mega Garden Store. Gear up to get surprised!

Written by Leah Gerrard for Mega Garden Store.

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