Looking for a Music Store in Regensburg

It’s been a long time since I did not went shopping in a mall in Regensburg. This is a beautiful city in the state of Bavaria, Germany. It is also a historic one especially the large medieval centre of the city which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

DE.regensburg.donau.DSC07174.©RB Images
A large clock inside the Donau Einkaufszentrum, a shopping mall in Regensburg.

Last Friday, I was invited by friends to go to the mall.  I decided to go  because I also want to see if winter sale is already going on. There was indeed a lot of sales in many of the shops but I cannot find the one I was looking for. (more…)


I Love Online Shopping

Online shopping is very easy and convenient nowadays. I love online shopping and I always do it from time to time. Whether it is household items, kitchen utensils, home decors, appliances, home furniture, clothing, electronics or anything that we need at home, I first do some window shopping online. After that, I decide whether I will buy the item or not. (more…)


Looking for Chimes for Our Patio

I am happy that we are currently having a mild winter. This is so far the mildest winter I experienced in Europe since living here for almost eleven years. This is a sign that we will not be paying for heating bills because it is not really very cold compared to the last winter years.

Spring is slowly coming. I can’t wait to do some garden works again. I have enough space for our flower garden. I am planning to plant some vegetables this coming spring time if I have enough time. (more…)


Need To Go to a Music Shop

I have been planning to go to a music store in the next city but I was so busy with many chores the past days and weeks. I should be doing it yesterday when I went grocery shopping but I already don’t have enough time for another window shopping. I decided to go home because I still have a lot of things to do. (more…)


Plumbing Tools to be Sent Home

How is your day today? I am fine but I am quite tired and sleepy right now. I guess, I will not be staying too long tonight. After doing some activities online with my blogger friends, I wanted to already sign-off. The weather today was nice. It was not so called outside and the sun was shining. So far, this is the mildest temperature I have during snow season since I live in Central Europe. I hope this weather will remain until spring season comes. (more…)


Need to Do Some Organizing at Home

Happy new  year to all! I can’t believed that we are already stepping the second  week of 2014. I am hoping that the first days of the year were  wonderful days for you! There were so many wonderful things that happened to me the past days.  They are just simple things but I am  already happy and contented about it. I am indeed thankful with the many blessings, big and small.  (more…)


When Plumbing Experts are Needed

When there is a leak in your bathroom faucet, what are you going to do? When the toilet is clogged, isn’t it a catastrophe too? When water drops from your pipe, whom you will be calling to? When there is a need to repair your water heaters, for sure you need someone who is an expert about plumbing to have this disaster repaired and done. When you will be remodelling your bathroom or kitchen, would you think you need a plumber to do some of the jobs like assembling the new faucet, installing the new pipes, etcetera.? (more…)


Gifts Ideas for Music Lovers

I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Two sleeps more to go and Christmas Eve is here. It also means that another year is about to come. Yes, 2014 is coming soon and that is inevitable. I am very optimistic about the coming of the New Year. With positive vibes, I believed this will be another wonderful year for me and my family. I hope you are hoping  the same. (more…)


Food You Should Banish From Your Kitchen Forever

eurostarsblog-nagendra 12.22.13 When our palate is in command, our mind takes a break. Tasty food is not necessarily healthy food. Take a look at what food you should banish from your kitchen for a healthy life.

1. Banish white pasta just as you would banish white rice. Eating white pasta is like getting mugged on the highway. The stuff that you have been eating is basically stripped of all its goodness including fibre and healthy bran. Instead, stock up on whole grain couscous, black or brown rice, whole wheat pasta or quinoa. These options not only deliver several complex nutrients to your body but also help you feel full for a longer period of time. In addition, you also get a significant amount of vitamin B levels and additional fibre from them. (more…)


Perfect Entertainment At Home Especially During Cold Winter Season

I hope you are all ready for this cold winter season! Yes, we are! But we are hoping that this winter will not be too bad compared to last year. For some, this might be the season to stay at home most of the time especially if it will be snowing hard outside and the road gets slippery and dangerous. With this decision, you will be safer at home than driving elsewhere on bad winter weather.

Thanks to the advent of our modern technologies like television, computers, internet and other entertainment and gaming gadgets, staying at home has been more convenient and entertaining. We can simply enjoy a perfect entertainment of our choice at the comfort of our home. (more…)



Hi dear friends and visitors!! thanks for visiting me here!! Have a great and blessed day!!



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